The Calendar Creator for Windows, Version 5.0 for CD-ROM
README - July 28, 1998 (OEM)
1. Introduction
2. System Requirements
3. If You Are Using A Previous Version of Calendar Creator
4. Installing and Uninstalling
5. Graphics and Video Performance on Windows 95
6. Printer tips and performance
7. General comments
8. Installing Calendar Creator Service Pack 3
* * * * *
Thank you for purchasing Calendar Creator for Windows, Version 5.0 from
The Learning Company. By registering this product you are entitled to
technical support. For your convenience, you can also register by calling,
toll free, 1-800-845-8692, 24 hours a day.
Calendar Creator 5.0 has more capabilities than any other calendar program.
The following is a listing of some of these features.
╖ You can fully customize your calendars by adding shading, borders,
pictures, and any of your installed fonts.
╖ You can add pictures and special effects.
╖ It offers multiple printing options including single calendar on multiple
pages, multiple calendars on a single page, and double-sided InstaBook
╖ It allows you to determine the time span of your calendar (from one day to
multiple years).
╖ Several calendars can be stored in a single file and be given individual
╖ Seven basic calendar layouts are provided, including day, weekly planner,
week, multi-week, month, multi-month, year, and multi-year.
╖ You can print calendars on a variety of paper sizes and stocks.
╖ The printing options let you decide how many calendars to print per page
and the time span of each printed calendar.
╖ It offers InstaBook printing, which creates a small booklet-type calendar.
╖ It has a split-screen window options that allows you to view your calendar
and event list simultaneously.
╖ You can track repeated events for days, months, and years and indicate any
exceptions to the repeat.
╖ Several pre-made event lists are included such as the list of holidays,
quotes of the day, and Hollywood stars' birthdays. You can find these in
the Template folder and the Events folder.
╖ It has over 5000 clip art pictures.
New Features include:
╖ The Address Book
ñ enables you to keep your important numbers and addresses handy
ñ can be used to send e-mail to people listed in your Address Book
ñ can be used to direct dial numbers on your Address Book
ñ can be customized to list only specific information on your Address list
ñ provides several means of sorting and searching your Address Book
ñ can group your contacts by association, such as softball team, and send
e-mail to the entire group at one time
╖ Calendars
ñ all cells and fields can be set as "moveable" and placed anywhere on
your screen
ñ new color and text options, including special effects
ñ new border and shading options are available
ñ new graphics are provided that can be placed anywhere on your calendar
ñ can create individual calendars for specific needs
ñ multiple calendars can be stored in one easy to retrieve file
╖ Event List
ñ event information can now be entered directly on your Event List screen
ñ events can be categorized according to your needs
ñ events can be sorted a variety of ways
ñ you can add event notes, which are indicated on both your event list
and your calendar by a note-like icon
ñ event participants can be selected from your Address Book
╖ Printing
ñ new Print Wizard feature assists you in setting up your print layouts
ñ easier poster and InstaBook printing
ñ can now specify the size of your calendar(s) on a page
ñ can specify the time period to be included in your printed calendar
ñ can print graphics with your calendar
╖ Miscellaneous
ñ can change your screen view at the click of one button
ñ can modify your graphics using the Clip Art screen
ñ can share calendars over a network
ñ has password protection to control shared information
ñ works with US Robotics Palm Pilot
ñ can import or export event or address files
ñ can link and update linked event files
* * * * *
2. System Requirements
Please be sure that your system meets the following standards:
IBM PC or compatible, 486dx/66 or higher CPU
Microsoft Windows(R) 95 or Windows NT 4.0
8MB of RAM (minimum), 16 recommended
25MB of available hard disk space for typical installation*
VGA graphics - 256 color support (thousands of colors recommended)
Double speed CD-ROM
Microsoft compatible mouse or pointing device
* Please note that Calendar Creator 5.0 requires 25 MB of available hard
disk space. This is due to the number of templates and event files added.
If you need to decrease the space, delete some of the files in the Template
or Event Directory. Do not, however, delete CALENDAR.CC5, as this template
contains the default styles for you calendars. If you remove any of the
other files, and wish to access them in the future, you may re-install the
program, or you can copy the files from the CD-ROM.
Please also note that the program works best with graphics while running in
Thousands of Colors video mode. If you are using several
256-color graphics on the same view, and you are in 8-bit mode, you
will probably need to ensure that your graphics are all using the same
* * * * *
3. If You Are Using A Previous Version of Calendar Creator,
please do not install Version 5.0 in the same directory
Once you have installed Version 5.0 of the product, it is
suggested, although not required, that you uninstall any
older versions If you do not choose to remove the older
version,do not run both versions simultaneously.
* * * * *
4. Installing and Uninstalling
Calendar Creator 5.0 can be installed using the AutoRun feature that is
automatically activated when you insert the CD-ROM into your computer's drive. Simply follow the instructions provided on your screen to successfully install Calendar Creator 5.0. Remember to register to get notification of updates and new releases, to access technical support, and to get information about other software available from The Learning Company«.
1.Insert the Calendar Creator 5.0 CD-ROM in your CD-ROM drive.
2.Position the cursor on the Start icon in the Task Bar and click the
mouse button once. Select the Run option from the menu.
3.Type D:\SETUP.EXE, where D represents the letter for your CD-ROM drive.
Click on the OK button.
The system will begin installing Calendar Creator 5.0.
Follow the instructions on your screen. If you are limited by
the amount of space available on your hard drive, you may want to
refrain from loading and storing the clip art that is included with
this software. These can still be accessed when needed by inserting
your Calendar Creator 5.0 CD-ROM in your drive.
If you choose to leave some or all clipart on the CD,
it must be located in your CD drive while the program is running
in order to access those components and performance may be
somewhat slower.
To uninstall the product, open Control Panel and
launch the "Add/Remove Programs" application. Select "Calendar
Creator 5.0" and click the Remove button. This will remove all
installed program files, the destination directory, the Calendar
Creator program group, and all related entries on the Windows 95
Start Menu. It will not remove any shortcuts you may have created
outside of the program group.
Your CD does not need to be in your CD drive to uninstall the
You may experience a problem uninstalling this product if you have
attempted and aborted either a previous installation or uninstall.
An aborted installation may leave incorrectly named files in the
destination folder. If you attempt to uninstall and abort that
procedure, you may be unable to use the Add/Remove Programs
control panel application to remove the product. If the Add/Remove
Programs application is unable to install the program, you should
manually move the destination folder to the Recycle Bin, or
reinstall into the same folder and then uninstall.
* * * * *
5. Graphics and Video Performance
* If you are experiencing delays displaying graphics from your
CD, or if the sound is not in sync, try the following
1) Open the Windows 95 Control Panel and double-click on the
"System" application.
2) Click the "Performance" tab.
3) Click the "File System" button.
4) Click the "CD-ROM" tab.
5) Increase the "Supplemental Cache Size" setting to either the
highest or next-to-highest setting.
6) Make sure the "Optimize Access Pattern For" setting is
correctly set to match the speed of your CD-ROM drive. In
initial versions of Windows 95, this setting is defaulted to
single-speed CD-ROM drives, which may not be correct.
7) Close all open windows and restart your computer.
6. Printer Tips and Performance
Very complex calendars may require more printer memory than
standard documents.
Please refer to your printer manufacturer's recommendations for
memory and/or additional memory requirements.
If your printers has the option to "print True Type fonts as
graphics"; you should have this option selected or the printer
could omit printing certain information.
Please click on "Properties" for your printer and select this
option if available.
Some printers are not capable of printing large bitmaps
(800 x 800) without additional memory, therefore, some
calendars will not print correctly. Again, please check your
printer manual for specifics.
Defining Page Margins
The Print Wizard allows you to select user defined page margins.
When "Define New Paper Margins" is selected, the margins default
to 0. This option must be used with caution, as all laser and
inkjet printers and most standard carriage dot matrix printers
have a built in non-printable area at the margin. The result of
the margin is that the calendar will be cut off at the edges.
To determine the non-printable area for your printer, do the
following in a Month view:
1. Select Format/Layout/Page and set the page margins to 0.
2. Click the "Calendar" tab and set the calendar margins to 0.
3. Click the "Style" tab, highlight Title and remove the text
from the Text box. Do the same for Subtitle and Footer.
Click Apply/OK.
4. Select File/Print. Measure the margins. This is the minimum
you will be able to set the page margins to.
* * * * * * * * *
7. General Comments
This section contains certain information that was discovered
too late to be added or changed in the product prior to
Windows NT
If problems occur with Calendar Creator using Windows NT, use the
Service Pack 3 which have been included in the NT setup directory to
fix minor problems.
Displaying Start and End times
Before start and end times for any event will appear on your calendar,
the start/end time checkboxes must be selected in the Layout Object
Properties dialog box. You can access this dialog by right clicking
on the calendar, and selecting the Properties command from the
dropdown menu, or by double clicking on any layout object on the
calendar. This will enable the start/end time options for the entire
calendar grid. These must be selected before setting the start/end
time options for event categories or single events. When an event
is entered, the default value (12:00 am) for the start and/or end
times must be changed, or the start/end times will not be displayed
on your calendar.
To display the start and end times of a specific category on your
calendar, the start/end time checkboxes must be selected on the
Style tab of the Categories Properties dialog box.
To display the start and end times of a specific event on your
calendar, the start/end time checkboxes must be selected on the
Style tab of the Event Properties dialog box.
Showing Weekdays Only
To show weekdays only on your calendar, select the checkbox "Weekdays only", located on the Miscellaneous tab of the Layout Object Properties dialog box.
Deleting and Cutting events
When Deleting events from the event list, all occurences of the event
will be removed. When deleting an event from the calendar itself only
the single event will be removed. This will also function in the same
manner when using the "Cut" command to remove an event.
Event List printing
You can control the information shown on your Event List when printing by adjusting the column headers in the Event List View. By adjusting the width of the columns you can select the size of the column when printed, or even remove the column so that it will not show up in the printout.
Address Book printing
You can control the information shown on your Address Book when printing by adjusting the column headers in the Address Book View. By adjusting the width of the columns you can select the size of the column when printed, or even remove the column so that it will not show up in the printout.
The Event Report View
The Event Report View allows you to view and print a complete report of all or selected events in your event list. You can show any information associated with the event, such as titles, start/end times, dates, notes, etc. Using this view, you can customize the information displayed in your Event Report View. This will also allow you to select specific information for printout of the Event Report. To format your Event Report, right click on the event grid, select Properties from the dropdown menu, and use the Style tab located on the Layout Object Properties dialog box. Using the Miscellaneous tab you can choose to display start/end times, notes, or small calendars with you event report printout.
Text Effects
If you have a problem with Shapes being cut off when using Text Effect
Shapes, try setting the default aligment to Centered.
When using Angle of Text, a high angle of text rotation can result in
parts of the text moving outside the boundaries of the text box, and
therefore not being displayed or available to print. This can be a
particular problem when using the Auto Size feature. Be particularly
careful when using these two feature together.
The Transparent option only works for bitmaps in "true" color and for
system colors of bitmaps in 256 color mode.
Purge Pictures Function
This will delete all of the pictures not currently in use.
Be sure and save your files frequently to avoid any loss of data.
This feature allows the program to automatically save a document at a time specific interval designated by the user. This will aid in keeping the document updated with the latest changes, without any action for the user. This feature is located in the Preferences dialog box, which can be accessed using the Preferences command located under the File menu.
OverFlow Events
When a Calendar cell contains to many events to display, the cell will
contain a marker in the lower right hand corner. This marker will indicate
the presents of overflow events. By clicking on this marker, the over flow
events will be displayed.
* * * * *
8. Installing Calendar Creator Service Pack 3
Calendar Creator Service Pack 3 addresses additional issues with Calendar Creator for
Windows 95 v5.0 and adds additional features to the program. The Service Pack is included
on this CD. You will not need to install Service Packs 1 or 2 to install Service Pack 3.
Service Pack 3 includes all upgrades.
Issues Addressed in Calendar Creator Service Pack 3
- The program will now print the time period that is currently displayed on the screen.
There is no longer the need to go into Print Layout and select a Start Date.
- Corrects problems with setting the Start Date of the Multi-week layout.
- Corrects problems with ClipArt disappearing from the calendar.
To install Calendar Creator Service Pack 3, double-click on the cc5sp3.exe file from the
CCUPDATE directory of the CD. The service pack will locate Calendar Creator for Windows 95